The two solutions are x = 1 sqrt(2) and x = 1 sqrt(2) This tells us that the line y = 2x 7 intersects the parabola y = x^2 4x 6 at two points, namely y = 2(1 sqrt(2)) 7 = 2 2*sqrt(2) 7 = 5 2*sqrt(2)X^2 4x 6 Found 2 solutions by Alan3354, CharlesG2 Answer by Alan3354(676) (Show Source) You can put this solution on YOUR website!X^2 4x 6 It is not an equation yet, it is a trinomial (a polynomial with 3 terms) To solve it for x set it to 0 (zero) x^2 4x 6 = 0 2 ways to solve this, either by factoring or by quadratic formula

Systems Of Equations With Elimination 3y 4x 11 Y 2x 13 Video Khan Academy